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Senior 5th Kyu Syllabus
Etiquette & Safety:
Kneeling, standing bows and etiquette
Posture, grip and how to walk with a partner
Ushiro Ukemi (back breakfall)
Migi Yoko Ukemi (right side breakfall)
Hidari Yoko Ukemi (left side breakfall)
Mae Ukemi (front breakfall)
Migi Zempo Kaiten Ukemi (right side rolling breakfall)
Hidari Zempo Kaiten Ukemi (left side rolling breakfall)
Bow, take a basic sleeve / lapel grip and posture
Demonstrate how to walk with partner
Take a breakfall when thrown by partner
O Uchi Gari
Tsuri Komi Goshi, Uke avoids, Tori changes attack to Tai Otoshi
Tsuri Komi Goshi, Uke avoids, Tori changes attack to O Uchi Gari
Turn-over from press-up position, breakfall, move into Kesa Gatame, escape onto stomach rise onto ‘all fours’, turn over into Yoko Shiho Gatame and escape.
Minimum of 2 ‘throw for throw’ style randori practices.
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